6 October 2024
2022/09/22 - 16:19 View: 8273

Raisi terms double standard policies of states as source of human rights violation



President Ebrahim Raisi, in his speech at the 77th General Assembly of the United Nations in New York, US, said that Iran regards double standard policies exercised by some states in the world as the source of violation of human rights.

Iran regards double standard policies exercised by some states in the world as the source of violation of human rights, Raisi underlined.

The president said that Iran supports “the globalization of justice”, as justice brings about unity while oppression creates war. 

Practice of justice is difficult and that is why many of the so-called advocates of justice flee from the practice of justice, he said.  

The president said that he is proud to represent a nation that inherits a big civilization and has fought against the arrest of other nations throughout the history.

“We wish for others what we like for ourselves and we do not impose on others what we do not like for ourselves,” he pointed out.

President Raisi said that if a country claims justice inside itself, but abroad, it trains all kinds of terrorists to bother nations or forces the nations to surrender by imposing various pressures, it should feel ashamed before humanity, freedom, and justice. 

He considered the double standards of some governments in the field of human rights to be the most important factor in the institutionalization of human rights violations, with reference to some hue and cries about an incident that is under investigation in Iran while keeping silent in the face of the massacre of tens of innocent women during a short time in one of the Western countries. 

The president also referred to Iran’s unique role in the annihilation of Daesh terrorists which only one of its crimes was enslaving Kurdish, Yazidi, and Christian women. 

He said that in order to deal with ancient threats and modern global problems there is no other option than solidarity and cooperation in the framework of multilateralism based on justice, and based on the principles and transcendent human values emanating from the teachings of divine prophets.

"What we want is the rights of the Iranian nation and we do not tolerate a relationship based on oppression. We stand for the rights of our nation. We believe that any oppressive relationship is detrimental to global peace and security, and the most important threat to the global community is the "normalization of oppression," he underscored. 

Our logic has its root in the Quranic culture which say nether oppress nor go under the burden of oppression, President said.

He said that the United States cannot accept that countries stand on their own feet and naively thinks that militarism is a source of security.

What is going on in Europe today mirrors what happened in West Asia over the past decades, the president said, adding that the nature of the US invasion in West Asia and the expansion of NATO to Eastern Europe are not different from each other, because in both, the fate of the countries is defined by the US who pursues its interests with the costs paid by others. 

“The story of the Iranian nation is the story of a nation that has learned to stand on its own feet and not rely on others; it learned this experience when it declared neutrality in both world wars, but was occupied militarily both times; Or where it resorted to the United States in order to nationalize the oil industry to save itself from British colonialism, but they staged a coup against the Iranian then government; And when, in an international multilateral agreement that was approved by the UN Security Council, was promised a lift of sanctions, but found itself facing the most brutal system of sanctions.”

He drove the attention of the world leaders to the double standard policies of the West towards Iran’s peaceful nuclear activities which he said is an example of injustice.

As the representative of the great nation of Iran, I explicitly declare that the Islamic Republic of Iran is not seeking to build nuclear weapons and this weapon has no place in our defense doctrine, President Raisi said. 

The president also referred to a Fatwa (religious order) issued by the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei banning the use of nuclear bombs, noting that this Fatwa is stronger than the international inspections. 

He noted that 35% of the international inspections has been carried out in the Iranian nuclear facilities while the country’s peaceful nuclear program includes only 2% of the world's nuclear programs.

The president is heading a high-ranking delegation comprising of Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and his Deputy for Political Affairs Ali Bagheri Kani - who is also the top Iranian nuclear negotiator - among others.

When departing from the Iranian capital Tehran, Raisi said that his trip to New York provides him with the opportunity to state the Islamic Republic’s views and measures which sometimes remain unnoticed due to media outlets being controlled by big powers of the world.

He said such opportunities should be used to expose the cruelty made against the Iranian nation, as well as the oppressed countries in the globe.

The Iranian president also said that the UNGC Summit is an opportunity to elaborate on the country’s foreign policy which he said is based on dignity, wisdom, and expediency.

On the sidelines of the summit, President Raisi said that he will hold bilateral meetings with top officials of different countries, except the US.

"There is no plan for negotiations or meeting with the Americans, and we will have no meetings with them," the Iranian president said.

World leaders are set to address the 77th UNGA Summit on September 20-26 at the UN headquarters in New York. 


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